

Solar energy is growing at an exceptional rate in Columbia, and for good reason. Columbia has one of the most solar friendly utilities in all the country, allowing customers to save money once they switch to solar.

Columbia Water & Light provides cash rebates for customers that install solar, and average rebates are close to $8,000! Each rebate is customized based on how many panels, house shading, and orientation of the panels, and the best part is we’ll handle all the paperwork.

This rebate helps homeowners go solar for zero cost out of pocket, and they will save money from the first day their solar system is operating. Additionally, you can lock in your electric rates so that when prices for electricity go up, you save even more money!

Not only will your solar system save you money right away, your decision to go solar has a tremendous impact on the environment and community around you. Our customers would need to plant about 9,000 trees in order to offset the equivalent amount that is reduced by each homeowner going solar. That improves our communities while saving you money.

Between the 30% federal tax credit and Columbia’s rebates, solar has never made more sense!

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